Canada: West to East

As of April 2014 there are some 5500 photos on our site, mainly from the Western provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Annotations are in place for Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and for the 107 Glimpses of Canada exhibition.

We are currently editing some 2000 new photos and hope to document as many as 100 additional buildings in 2014-15. Following upon the steady progression of the Western Canada portion of the archive, we invite cities and provinces in the East to join our efforts to document this fascinating aspect of Canadian history and art.

107 Glimpses of Canada: a coast-to-coast survey (annotated)

British Columbia 1476 photos (most awaiting annotation support)

Alberta (in progress 2012-15)
Saskatchewan 1806 photos (annotated)
Manitoba 1174 photos (annotated)



Prince Edward Island

New Brunswick

Nova Scotia


The North